
Revenge of the meta-tag!

Many people in SEO groan at the thought of meta-tags.

After all, meta-tags for ranking is dead for SEO, isn’t it?

Not quite.

In fact, meta-tags have begun a startling revival.

A couple of key points about why you should consider taking meta-tags more seriously:

1. Google duplicate content filters

Google has had real problems this year in determining what may or may not be duplicate content.

Sites with generic, or absence of, meta-description tags, may find themselves going supplemental, or simply not showing properly for their content.

Heck, even well-known sites such as SEOmoz and Threadwatch may have issues here.

Going supplemental is an invitation to traffic loss, so take pre-emptive action by setting up unique meta-description tags on your pages.

2. Clickthrough rates

There’s no point ranking for good keywords if the description under your search engine listing sucks.

Absense of a meta-description at best leaves search engines looking for a random sampling of text that may be relevant.

Why leave it to chance?

Increase your clickthrough rates from listings by actually better controlling the text with the listing by setting up unique meta-descriptions tags for your pages.

And try to ensure you include a marketing hook very quickly in the description tag.

If you are ranking, tell search engine users why your page is so relevant for their query.

3. Ranking

Google doesn’t appear to use meta-keywords to rank webpages/sites.

But Yahoo! does.

Yahoo! still commands a respectable 30% of US search traffic, and even where the market share is really small (such as the UK), strong Yahoo! rankings can still prove very cost-effective.

So add some spice for Yahoo! Search by focusing on your meta-keywords tag.

No, I’m not advising you keyword stuff the tag – but at least make the effort to set up keywords in your tag that Yahoo! can process that for ranking purposes.


All too often people can get fixated on the details rather than the bigger picture. Decent meta-tags are a part of that bigger picture.

This is especially when it comes to clickthrough rates. After all, what’s the point of ranking for competitive keywords if you leave clickthroughs to chance?

Search engine users want a quality experience – offer them that by taking care of the details of your site that can help work best in the big picture.

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